Must Have 13 Android Application for bloggers

Are you an avid blogger with a Smartphone? Then you should know the must have android applications for bloggers. Blogging has been the best way to share what you know and express yourself on the internet.  As all of us  are aware  that the operating system android  has evolved rapidly due its user-friendliness on a wide range of tablet devices and Smartphones. If you regularly update your multiple blogs, then you can consider the following must have 13 android applications for bloggers and download it. Since all these applications are free, it will not cost anything to try them on your Smartphone.

1. Blogger

blogger app for android
blogger app for android

It is one of the best platforms for blogging. You should try this android application on your phone if you have any blog in the platform of Blogger as it is secure and easy to understand. Another important advantage of Blogger is that it has minimum chances of server crashes and hacking.

2. WordPress

wordpress android app
WordPress android app

It is another important blogging platform which is  among the must application tools for bloggers. Self-hosted blogs on WordPress made it a compatible application. You will be able to do many important tasks like creating, editing, moderating comments on the various blog posts You can also publish various videos and photos taken with the camera of your  Smart Phone if you have this android application.

3.Google Drive

Google drive app for android
Google drive app for android

You can store different types of documents  such as excel spreadsheets, word documents, audio, videos and images if you have downloaded Google Drive. It  helps the blogger to synchronize different documents across devices associated with your Google account.  You can access your files from anywhere in the world once you  have synchronized the documents.  If you have a halfway done blog post on your laptop, it is possible to continue that work while commuting using your phone with the android application of Google Drive.


tumblr app for android
Tumblr app for android

Popularly known as microblog, many people love to keep a Tumblr blog rather than a large blown blog.  It is an ideal platform for posting short content such as videos, photos and quotes.  Several useful features have been associated with this application including posting content, viewing messages and giving reply to them and scheduling posts.  Besides, it helps to manage multiple blogs with this application.

5. Writer

writer android app
Writer android app

Since it is a stripped-down blog word processor, it can provide an  environment  free from disturbances for writing within your tablet or  your Smartphone.  Download the android application of a Writer and create your content text with a peace of mind.


Dictionary app for android
Dictionary app for android is a must have android application for every blogger as it helps to find the meaning of a word or an alternative word for it.  This platform is very useful especially for people who do not natively speak English.

7. SwiftKey Keyboard

swiftkey app for android
swiftkey app for android

It is a must download android application for bloggers as it helps to auto-correct the typos as well as provide word predictions depend on your previous typing activities.

8. Evenote

evernote app for android
Evernote app for android

Evernote is a must have android application for blogger.It helps you remember everything across all of the devices you use. It lets you to take note capture photos, create to-do lists, record voice reminders and lots more.


pocket app for android
pocket app for android

Pocket app formerly known as read it later allows you to save articles, videos, or anything you want to view at later instant.  It automatically syncs to your phone, tablet or computer so you can view it any time, even without an internet connection.

10. Google Analytics

Google Analytics app for android
Google Analytics app for android

It is a must app for any blogger or webmaster. You see real-time statistics, customizable dashboards and intelligence events on your smart phone.

11. PayPal

paypal app for android
PayPal app for android

Send or request money directly for your smart phone. You can also check your balance, past transaction any time any where.

Also see:  How to add PayPal Donation button to Your website?

12. Godaddy

Godaddy app for android
Godaddy app for android

With Godaddy mobile app you can mange and renew your domain name easily. You can also search new domain name directly from your mobile phone and register new domain. You can also manage your domain DNS, nameservers, contact information, and more.

13. Google reader

Google Reader app for android
Google Reader app for android

Follow your favorite sites, blogs, and more, all in one place. The Google Reader app syncs across all your devices, so your reading lists are always up to date.

Author Bio : This Guest Post is Written By Amit Shaw Founder of an Authority Blog iTechCode. Check out his latest quality post on 10 must have iPhone Blogging Apps for Bloggers.


3 thoughts on “Must Have 13 Android Application for bloggers”

  1. But how would these applications help a blogger? I mean it is very RISK FULL to use your credentials over the phone and also it is not that user friendly unless you have a big screen like in a tablet.

  2. Great list of applications dude. I am using Evernote and wordpress app in my android phone which is more helpful for me . Thanks for sharing :)

  3. thanks for shearing such such a wonderful article with us, all these apps are really helpful for me.


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