Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 to Broadcast A Live Presentation
Learn how to Broadcast A Live PowerPoint Presentation (ppt) using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.
Learn how to Broadcast A Live PowerPoint Presentation (ppt) using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.
Learn how to easily troubleshoot Microsoft Outlook when any sort of error occurs.
If you want to add an HTML Email Signature to your Gmail or any other email client then here I’m showing how to do that with WiseStamp add-on .
Previously I have written a tutorial on How to Install WordPress Locally on your computer and now I’m showing how to Install Joomla locally on your PC.
WordPress is definitely is the best CMS for blogging as it is Famous for ” 5-Minute Install “and easy to use. As a webmaster or Blogger you need to test new themes and plugin regularly, but it may go wrong something and your site will be down. So to avoid it , you can test your themes and plugin Locally in your pc.
To install WordPress,it has following requirements (Version 3.2)
Tag is a Special tag which tell robots not to index any web page, and/or not to follow it.It is a method to tell search engine which is to be indexed,followed or no-index,no-follow any web page of your site.
Other meta tags are noarchive,nocache,nosnippet,noodp,noydir ,which have different function to do.Using meta tags in all pages is a lengthy and difficult task.However if you use WordPress as Cms then there is plugin called Robots Meta developed by Yoast which do the work for you.
DFP i.e DoubleClick for Publishers is a Free comprehensive ad server from Google through which you can sell your ad space available on your website.
DFP Small Business offers a complete toolkit for managing and growing both directly and indirectly sold advertising including streamlined trafficking, advanced forecasting and reporting, integrated revenue optimization, and direct access to the world’s largest pool of advertisers.
According to Internet Usage Statistics there are 6,845,609,960 internet users in the world. Out of which maximum people don’t know about threats from internet. As Internet, email and Social Networks becoming an integral part of life, the danger and threat that come with them are increasing too.
What kind of internet threat you can face?
67. What is a Facebook Page?
Pages are for organizations, businesses, celebrities, and bands to broadcast great information in an official, public manner to people who choose to connect with them. Similar to profiles, Pages can be enhanced with applications that help the entity communicate and engage with their audiences, and capture new audiences virally through friend recommendations, News Feed stories, Facebook events, and beyond.
34. How do I remove or cancel a friend request I made to someone?
Visit the person’s profile and click the “Cancel Friend Request” link underneath the profile photo. After you click this, the link will say “Friend Request Canceled” in grey letters.
35. Why didn’t my friend request go through?
Facebook is a place for connecting with friends, family and other people you know personally.