OK !Your site is up, but how your users are going to donate you? PayPal Donation Button is the fastest and secured way to set up donation system on your website and accept credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers and PayPal.
Note: After creating your Donate buttons, you can place them on your website to start raising funds. However, to access funds you receive, you need a Premier or Business account.
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click Merchant Services.
3. Click Website Payments Standard, and then click a payment button.
4. Under Create Buttons, click Donate.
5. Complete the form (click More Resources for additional information).
6. If you want to add details, click Add More Options, then complete the fields.
7. Click Create Button Now.
8. Then you can customize with your own button image.
9. Copy and paste the button code into your own web page code.
10. Click Done or Create Another Button.
11. Place the codes in desire place where you want.
Not yet have PayPal account ,create one from here for free.