Install Joomla Locally on your Computer

Joomla installation on pc
Install Joomla

Previously I have written a tutorial on How to Install WordPress Locally on your computer and now I’m showing how to Install Joomla locally on your PC.

Joomla” is a free and open source content management system (CMS) for publishing content and build Web sites and powerful online applications .

By installing Joomla locally you can learn how to use Joomla and also for testing purpose and experiment you first need to test locally, than publishing directly World wide web.

So for Joomla  installation you need Apache and PHP. For sake of convenience just download latest version of  XAMPP and Install in your computer. You can refer this tutorial to install XAMPP in you computer.

After installation, open Xampp control panel and create a database for Joomla from PhpMyAdmin.

Create databse in xampp for joomla

After creating a database its time to connect Joomla with database for installation. So download Joomla from their official website and extract zip file  into C:xampphtdocsjoomla .

Now open following  URL in any browser to install Joomla.


It will be redirected to installation page from where you can Install Joomla.

Installation steps:

#1 Select the language to use during the Joomla! installation and then click next.

Select Language in Joomla


#2 Now Joomla will check Pre-installation requirements. Click next to proceed.

Pre check installation by Joomla

#3 Now you will see GNU General Public License, click next to skip and proceed further.

#4 Enter database details and other requirements to configure Database and to connect it with Joomla.

Databse cofiguration for joomla

#5 Now you will get FTP configuration page but as we are installing Joomla locally, there is no use of ftp you can skip this step.

Ftp configuration in joomla

#6 After skipping  previous step you will now get  main configuration page for site setting.You can add here your website name,admin user-id and passwords etc.

Main configuration for joonla


#7  Click next after entering all details to finish installation.You will get warning to remove installation directory for security reason,so go to C:xampphtdocsjoomla and delete or move Installation directory to proceed.

Joomla installation completed

Now you can visit your site or admin section for testing or any purpose by visiting http://localhost/joomla/ and http://localhost/joomla/administrator/ respectively.

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