Quick Tips : How To Setup a Rocking Website?

So you want to create a Rocking Website.All webmaster and blogger have dreamed to create a popular and rocking site.It’s not tough but it needs hard work and Patience.Lots of blogger quits in the beginning as they didn’t show patience.They didn’t realize that success is just one step in front of them.

Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek. 

Do read:Rocking good sucses full website

How to start a website or a blog?

10 Facts about Blogs.

  • Choose a Niche

To setup a blog you need to choose right Niche in which you can write enough quality article.

  • Buy Domain name and Hosting.

Both Niche and Domain name is very important for any website.Right domain name and niche could do wonders.Always try to buy .COM TLD.

For hosting don’t go for free hosting as it will come with restriction.I recommend Hostgator and Dreamhost.

  • Do Important setting and install necessary plugin.

Before writing any article,you need to configure your site for better performance for eg. Permalinks for website.Install and activate necessary plugin For example “All In One SEO”.

  • Get a Good Looking Professional Theme.

Design is very important factor for overall performance of any website. Easy layout and navigation is consider  good for your readers. Check out Custom Themes By dohack.

  • Content Is King

Write Write and Write,as Content is King.More quality content means more valuable is your site and thus will get more traffic.

  • Do Seo i.e. Search Engine Optimization.

As I already said content is king then SEO is Queen. It is very important factor for any site after content.It includes Both On page SEO and Off Page SEO.

  • Build Relationship with your readers and Reward them

Always try to make relationship with your readers by providing quality article which will be helpful for them.Be positive and always try to give something.

  • Burn feeds and offers Subscription option or Newsletter.

Feeds and newsletter are great source of traffic if you use it wisely.Feeds are used to read latest updates from your site.You can use some free services like Feedburner and Mailchip.

  • Submit your site to Social networking site and Web directories.

Submitting your website to Pr directories not only helps in indexing your Links faster in Google,but it also increase crawl rate.It is always advised to submit your site manually not by any bots or software.

  • Conduct Giveaways

By conducting Giveaways you can create back-links for your site ,which ultimately helps in increasing site Page rank.

  • Create Facebook Fan Page and Twitter Profile.

Fan Pages and Twitter is now a days playing very important role in site traffic.It is also a good way to send  updates  and latest news to user. All blogger and webmaster should utilize this free service.

  • Optimize your site loading time

Google give more importance to faster site rather slower website.For optimizing your blog speed you can install cache plugin to reduce blog load time.You can also minify Css and JavaScript.

  • Commenting on other Blog under same Niche

By commenting on other site you will have two benefit,first you will get exposure and traffic and secondly you will get back-links to your site.

Last but not the least consider creating good quality content first and then thinking about traffic. Spend less time in exploring your site statistic and ability.Enough procrastination, it’s time to do something and create something good and useful.

If I missed something then feel free to add below in comments also share your views on creating a Good Rocking Website.

Please share this if you liked it.Comment will be appreciated.

3 thoughts on “Quick Tips : How To Setup a Rocking Website?”

  1. All the points you referred here to build an awesome websites are valuable and most of it i know personally. Just one thing if you go on deep to explain it would be a great help for me and for all you reader is “How do i do SEO on both on page and off pages”. Thanks!


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