Add Payment Button Easily on your Site with Jotform

Wanted to add Payment solution for your website ,or wanted to collect Donation by your website user, then here is a free site called Jotform which will integrate buttons easily.

You don’t need to have any knowledge of coding, just drag and drop. PayPal and other services like PayPal allows you to collect payments from your web sites but they don’t provide any integrated payment forms, where you can ask any kind of questions to the buyer. By using Jotform you can customize your payment buttons according to your need.

Do also read :

How do I add a PayPal Donation button to my website?

10 Ways to earn from Google AdSense.

Simple Steps to create Payment buttons for your website.

1) To create payment form go to Jotform and create an account for free.

2) Then in your admin panel click Payments Tool. You will get option to choose among various Payment Gateways, from which you want to collect money.


Payment tools in jotform



3) Select your desire Payment option like PayPal or Google Checkout according to your site needs.

4) Here I’m selecting PayPal as payment option for my services.However you can choose any of those services.

5)you will get a Pop-up to enter your PayPal  email address and other setting like which currency you would like.


Paypal option in jotform


6) After submitting your email address, now you have to choose among following option “Sell product or Sell subscription or Donation”. Choose what you want to add in your website.


Payment wizard in jotform



7) For example I’m selecting Sell Multiple products with Show total on the form. Click next after selecting your option and then enter your product name and Price.You can also show Image of your Products.



Products cost setup


8)After adding your product you will get notification as Integration Complete.



Jot form



9) Here i have created a simple service payment option,one is for custom themes and other is for Facebook creation page.



Service by dohackervice by dohack


10) After Completing your Payment form you can add them into your website pasting some codes.To get your code go to Setup and Embed >Embed Form get your code for your site.

You have following option to add codes into your site.

Code option

Tips: You can also get other Payment option for Donation and Subscription By following similar procedure.

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